Young people and mental health
Good mental wellbeing is something we should all enjoy, however there may be times when this is not the case.
Mental health problems affect about one in ten children and young people. These problems include depression, anxiety, stress and conduct disorder and are often a direct response to what is happening in their lives.
Having good mental health means that children and young people can develop the resilience to cope with whatever life throws at them - allowing them to develop into well-rounded and healthy adults.
The links below are to websites that may provide advice and information to help children, young people and their families deal with issues around mental health.
If you have concerns about your mental health and wellbeing, or are concerned about the mental wellbeing of your child, please make an appointment to speak to your GP.
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- Aberlour - Scotland's Children's Charity, information for children and young people.
- Aberdeenshire Young Carers - Supporting young people, aged 5 to 18, who have a significant caring role within their family.
- Anti-Bullying Network - Supporting anti-bullying in schools.
- Better Internet For Kids - Information on how to keep safe online.
- CAMH - Child and Adolescent Mental Health, information about mental health issues that may be encountered during childhood and adolescence.
- Childline - A private and confidential service for children and young people up to the age of 19. You can contact a ChildLine counsellor about anything -no problem is too big or too small.
- Children First - Services supporting children and families.
- Coping With Stress - Information for young people.
- CSE - Helping to prevent child sexual exploitation. Information for children and parents.
- HandsOnScotland - Practical information, tools and activities to respond helpfully to troubling behaviour and to help children and young people to flourish.
- Mind Reel - A valuable learning resource using educational films that address a wide range of mental health issues.
- Net Aware - A guide to the social networks kids use
- Rape and Abuse Support - RAS, Aberdeen offers support and information to anyone over 13 years old who has been raped or sexually abused at any time in their life.
- Rethink Mental Illness - Information on looking after your own mental health with sections on how to find advice and support.
- Scottish Eating Disorders Interest Group (SEDIG) - Scotland's Charity for supporting, connecting and informing anyone affected by eating disorders.
- Self Injury Support - Offers a non-judgemental, emotional support & listening service to women affected by self injury and those who care about them as well as signposting to other relevant services and sending out self help information on request.
- Sleep Scotland - Promotes healthy sleep in children and young people through sleep awareness, sleep counselling and education. The organisation works throughout Scotland developing sleep services and providing intensive sleep programmes for children with additional support needs by training sleep counsellors to work directly with families in need of sleep support.
- Think U Know - Guide to internet safety and safe surfing.
- UK Safer Internet Centre - e-safety tips, advice and resources to help children and young people stay safe on the internet.
- Who Cares? Scotland - Speaking out for, and working with Scotland's children and young people in care.
- Young Minds - The UK’s leading charity committed to improving the emotional wellbeing and mental health of children and young people.
- Young Scot - Scottish youth information for 11 - 26 year olds.